5.1.3 Remediation of leakage into overlying aquifers

Leakage of CO2 into groundwater aquifers (no matter if this is through geological or man-made pathways) may degrade valuable groundwater resources, including drinking water reserves, may pose a risk to human health if hazardous trace metals dissolve into groundwater, and may interfere with agricultural activities. Although there is a significant experience from groundwater remediation of contaminants, CO2 poses many unique challenges. In principle, three main remediation techniques can be applied (Esposito and Benson, 2012):

  • Remediation using extraction wells. After the CO2 leak into the aquifer is stopped, a vertical or horizontal well is drilled that penetrates the CO2 plume. After the well is drilled, the extraction of fluid begins immediately. The well operates until the amount of CO2 remaining in the reservoir is small or meets specific remediation specifications.
  • Remediation using water injection wells. The second remediation technique is to inject water into the aquifer with the goal of halting the movement of the separate CO2 phase through capillary trapping and dissolution. If more water is injected, all the CO2 can be dissolved eventually in the water (Fig. 5-1).
  • Remediation using injection and extraction wells. This technique represents a combination of the previous two methods. It may bring the best results if multiple extraction and injection wells are combined in a suitable scenario.

A special case of remediation measures, so called hydraulic barrier, can be used to stop a CO2 leakage from the storage formation into an overlying aquifer. The underlying principle is to counter the driving forces of the migration (natural CO2 buoyancy and injection-induced overpressure) by increasing the pressure over the leak through brine or water injection into the overlying aquifer (Fig. 5-2). This technique is commonly used as a preventive or corrective measure in pollution engineering, e.g. in order to protect the drinking water against salt water intrusion in coastal areas. For CO2 leakage remediation, however, the technique needs to be applied much deeper (Réveillère et al., 2012).

O. Fig. 5-1

Fig. 5-1: The CO2 gas saturation simulation results in vertical cross-section for a remediation scenario with one water injection well (left-hand margin of the section, flow rate of 25 kg/s) after 2 days (left) and 33 days (right) depicting the reduction in the gaseous phase plume size (Esposito and Benson, 2012).

O. Fig. 5-2

Fig. 5-2: Principle of CO2 leakage remediation using the hydraulic barrier technique (Réveillère et al., 2012).