Schlumberger Carbon Services (a service provider for carbon dioxide captureThe separation of carbon dioxide from other gases before it is emitted to the atmosphere and storage(CO2) A process for retaining captured CO2, so that it does not reach the atmosphere; measurement, monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions, and verification(CO2 storage) The proof, to a standard still to be decided, of the CO2 storage using monitoring results; (in the context of CDM) The independent review by a designated operational entity of monitored reductions in anthropogenic emissions; and riskConcept that denotes the product of the probability of a hazard and the subsequent consequence of the associated event assessments) recently presented an example of a riskConcept that denotes the product of the probability of a hazard and the subsequent consequence of the associated event for a planned storage(CO2) A process for retaining captured CO2, so that it does not reach the atmosphere project in Illinois (Hnottavange-Telleenet al., 2009). To develop this riskConcept that denotes the product of the probability of a hazard and the subsequent consequence of the associated event, Schlumberger convened a group of experts to rank(coal) Quality criterion for coal a list of more than 80 riskConcept that denotes the product of the probability of a hazard and the subsequent consequence of the associated event elements - or features, events, and processes (FEPs) - based on 'likelihood' (L) and 'severity' (S). These rankings were developed through a group process and independent surveys of the experts. The rankings were assessed through two methods. First, the team developed a combined (L*S) ranking and compared group and individual ratings. Second, the team mapped FEPs on a grid, with severity on the vertical axis and likelihood on the horizontal axis. These approaches provide the project team with a good assessment of concerns that could arise at the specific site and will enable them to both incorporate those risks into the reservoirA subsurface body of rock with sufficient porosity and permeability to store and transmit fluids models and also to mitigate those risks through careful planning and operations. Results are being used to rationalize and shape riskConcept that denotes the product of the probability of a hazard and the subsequent consequence of the associated event-reductionThe gain of one or more electrons by an atom, molecule, or ion measures, especially those involving wellManmade hole drilled into the earth to produce liquids or gases, or to allow the injectionThe process of using pressure to force fluids down wells of fluids engineering and subsurface characterization (WRI, 20082008 - WRIGuidelines for CCSsee more; Hnottavange-Telleenet al., 2009). This kind of assessment also helps the team to design a monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions plan and interact with the public and regulators. It is important to note that this kind of assessment can be repeated over time; it is not a static analysis (WRI, 20082008 - WRIGuidelines for CCSsee more). RiskConcept that denotes the product of the probability of a hazard and the subsequent consequence of the associated event evaluation influences plans for monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions and external communications, and informs the construction and quantitative attribution of flow simulations and system models (Hnottavange-Telleenet al., 2009). The project in Illinois is a qualitative ranking case study.