The EU Guidance Documents distinguish three different monitoring
categories: i) mandatory monitoring that is required for all sites,
ii) required site-specific monitoring, and iii) optional
contingency monitoring. The EU CCS Directive does not specify which
methods or monitoring technologies should be used, but requires
that the choice is based on the best practice available at the time
of design. A good monitoring strategy should include plans for
intensified monitoring in the event of irregularities. Plans are
required to be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
Two examples of site-specific monitoring plans for future
potential storage sites are given here:
Example A is a deep saline aquifer which is a prospective storage
site in the south of Romania. Modelling work has indicated that the
reservoir can store up to 1.5 Mt CO2 per year for at least
20 years. Site-specific risk assessment has been performed.
Monitoring techniques to mitigate the identified risks are
proposed. The target compartments for monitoring are ground
surface, groundwater, soil, wells, possible faults and air. The
suggested methods include logs, seismic surveys, cross-well
techniques and microseismic surveys.
Example B is a depleted gas field in Slovakia at the border with
Austria. Since this is a depleted field, the present irregular
network of 35 old boreholes from hydrocarbon exploration and
exploitation and the Láb fault systems need particular attention in
the monitoring plan. Geochemical and geophysical monitoring to
establish a baseline before injection starts, monitoring during the
injection phase and for the post-injection period are recommended
for this site. The methodology proposed follows the monitoring
plans implemented for depleted natural gas reservoir projects
currently in operation, in particular the Otway Project in
According to Article 13 in the EU CCS DirectiveDirective 2009/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the geological storage of carbon dioxide, all Member States shall ensure that the operator of a CO2Carbon dioxide storage(CO2) A process for retaining captured CO2, so that it does not reach the atmosphere site monitors the injectionThe process of using pressure to force fluids down wells facilities, storage(CO2) A process for retaining captured CO2, so that it does not reach the atmosphere complex and surrounding environment, based on a monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions plan. Minimum criteria for establishing and updating the monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions plan are given in Annex II of the Directive. The monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions plan should be based on the site-specific riskConcept that denotes the product of the probability of a hazard and the subsequent consequence of the associated event analysis as required in Annex I of the Directive and provide details for the monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions during all major stages of the project, including baseline, operational and post-closurePeriod after transfer of responsibility to the competent authority monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions (cf. Annex II of EU CCS directiveDirective 2009/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the geological storage of carbon dioxide, 2009). The plan must, inter alia, include details of parameters monitored, technology employed, and sampling frequency in time and space for each project phase.
The monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions concept for a given CO2Carbon dioxide storage(CO2) A process for retaining captured CO2, so that it does not reach the atmosphere site must be chosen according to the environmental and geographical conditions and extent of the underground geological formationA lithostratigraphic subdivision within a sedimentary succession within which distinct rock layers can be found and mapped, the effects each method may have on infrastructure, environment and human health in short and long term, the effects on existing business and industry in the area and the cost and effectiveness of the methods. Surroundings, surface and subsurface conditions, and local infrastructure vary and site-specific monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions plans are required. The monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions plan must be updated regularly to take into account changes related to the assessed riskConcept that denotes the product of the probability of a hazard and the subsequent consequence of the associated event of leakage(in CO2 storage) The escape of injected fluid from the storage formation to the atmosphere or water column, impacts on the environment and human health; new scientific knowledge; and improvements in best available technology. Updated plans shall be re-submitted for approval to the competent authority.
Acquiring baseline data regarding CO2Carbon dioxide that may be present in the system before CO2Carbon dioxide injectionThe process of using pressure to force fluids down wells starts is very important. Any natural or industrial CO2Carbon dioxide sources and fluctuations in observed CO2Carbon dioxide levels at surface must be quantified to establish a baseline. In addition, a good monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions concept should be flexible and designed to respond to unforeseen events and changes in the project development.
Fig. 4-1 shows a generic workflow for assessment, monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions and verification(CO2 storage) The proof, to a standard still to be decided, of the CO2 storage using monitoring results; (in the context of CDM) The independent review by a designated operational entity of monitored reductions in anthropogenic emissions in a CO2Carbon dioxide storage(CO2) A process for retaining captured CO2, so that it does not reach the atmosphere project that is taken from the euEuropean Union-funded CO2ReMoVe project (Wildenborg et al., 20092009 - Ton Wildenborg, Michelle Bentham, Andy Chadwick, Petra David, Jean-Pierre Deflandree, Menno Dillen, Heleen Groenenberg, Karen Kirk, Yann Le GalloLarge-scale CO2 injection demos for the development of monitoring and verification technology and guidelines (CO2ReMoVe)see more).
 Fig. 4-1: Generalised workflow for assessment, monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions and verification(CO2Carbon dioxide storage(CO2Carbon dioxide) A process for retaining captured CO2Carbon dioxide, so that it does not reach the atmosphereThe layer of gases surrounding the earth; the gases are mainly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (around 21%)) The proof, to a standard still to be decided, of the CO2Carbon dioxide storage(CO2Carbon dioxide) A process for retaining captured CO2Carbon dioxide, so that it does not reach the atmosphereThe layer of gases surrounding the earth; the gases are mainly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (around 21%) using monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions results; (in the context of CDMKyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism ) The independent review by a designated operational entity of monitored reductions in anthropogenic emissions purposes (after Wildenborg et al., 20092009 - Ton Wildenborg, Michelle Bentham, Andy Chadwick, Petra David, Jean-Pierre Deflandree, Menno Dillen, Heleen Groenenberg, Karen Kirk, Yann Le GalloLarge-scale CO2 injection demos for the development of monitoring and verification technology and guidelines (CO2ReMoVe)see more). |