The EUEuropean Union CCSCarbon dioxide CaptureThe separation of carbon dioxide from other gases before it is emitted to the atmosphereThe layer of gases surrounding the earth; the gases are mainly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (around 21%) and Storage DirectiveDirective 2009/31/ECEuropean Commission of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the geological storage of carbon dioxide does not specify the method or monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions technology that should be used, but requires that the choice is based on best practice available at the time of design. As stated in Section 3.2.1, Annex II of the CCSCarbon dioxide CaptureThe separation of carbon dioxide from other gases before it is emitted to the atmosphereThe layer of gases surrounding the earth; the gases are mainly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (around 21%) and Storage Directive does give some guidelines for the selection of monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions technology. Technologies that can detect migrationThe movement of fluids in reservoir rocks pathways of CO2Carbon dioxide in the subsurface and at the surface, areal/vertical distribution of CO2Carbon dioxide plumeDispersing volume of CO2Carbon dioxide-rich phase contained in target formationA body of rock of considerable extent with distinctive characteristics that allow geologists to map, describe, and name it and technologies that can provide wide areal spread of the complete storage(CO2Carbon dioxide) A process for retaining captured CO2Carbon dioxide, so that it does not reach the atmosphereThe layer of gases surrounding the earth; the gases are mainly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (around 21%) complex and beyond are recommended.
The resolution of a specific monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions method depends on the instrument specifications, but also on site-specific conditions. The monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions instrument's ability to measure the distribution, phase and mass of CO2Carbon dioxide in a subsurface reservoirA subsurface body of rock with sufficient porosityMeasure for the amount of pore spaceSpace between rock or sediment grains that can contain fluids in a rock and permeabilityAbility to flow or transmit fluids through a porous solid such as rock to store and transmit fluids varies with geology of the site and surrounding area, target depth, ambient conditions of temperature, pressure and water saturation underground as wellManmade hole drilled into the earth to produce liquids or gases, or to allow the injectionThe process of using pressure to force fluids down wells of fluids as by the theoretical sensitivity of the techniques or measurement instruments themselves. For example when acquiring seismic data onshore it makes a large difference if the geophone is placed in soil with good coupling and little background noise (e.g. no noise from surrounding traffic or industry).
At the general level for any site the main questions that need to be considered are according to the Guidance Document 2 (2011):
- Which methods are relevant for the specific site?
- What is the resolution of monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions in detecting leakage(in CO2Carbon dioxide storage) The escape of injected fluid from the storage formationA body of rock of considerable extent with distinctive characteristics that allow geologists to map, describe, and name it to the atmosphereThe layer of gases surrounding the earth; the gases are mainly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (around 21%) or water column?
- How accurately can leakage(in CO2Carbon dioxide storage) The escape of injected fluid from the storage formationA body of rock of considerable extent with distinctive characteristics that allow geologists to map, describe, and name it to the atmosphereThe layer of gases surrounding the earth; the gases are mainly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (around 21%) or water column be quantified?
- What quantity of CO2Carbon dioxide can be resolved in the plume or deep subsurface?
- If continuous monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions is considered in order to increase time sampling, what shall be the lifespan of the system?
Detecting and quantifying leakage(in CO2Carbon dioxide storage) The escape of injected fluid from the storage formationA body of rock of considerable extent with distinctive characteristics that allow geologists to map, describe, and name it to the atmosphereThe layer of gases surrounding the earth; the gases are mainly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (around 21%) or water column
For offshore sites, the North Sea basinA geological region with sedimentary strata dipping towards a common axis or centre Task Force (NSBTF, 20092009 - NSBTF North Sea Basin Task ForceMonitoring Verification Accrediting and Reporting (MVAR) Report for CO2 storage deep under the seabed of the North Seasee more) suggests to use a model driven approach where simulations are combined with data collection. For the North Sea, a good strategy would be to use "geophysical methods like seismic data (detection of gas chimneys) or sea bottom echo-sounding (detection of pockmarks) and then sample these leakage(in CO2 storage) The escape of injected fluid from the storage formation to the atmosphere or water column areas for direct CO2Carbon dioxide detection repeatedly. Based on the sampling profiles an estimate can be made of leakage(in CO2 storage) The escape of injected fluid from the storage formation to the atmosphere or water column rates in time for the area. In case of wellboreThe physical hole that makes up the well, it can be cased, open, or a combination of both; open means open for fluid migration laterally between the wellbore and surrounding formations; cased means closing of the wellbore to avoid such migration leakages an additional monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions programme in and around the wellManmade hole drilled into the earth to produce liquids or gases, or to allow the injection of fluids is suggested" (NSBTFf, 2009). Similar to sea bottom echo-sounding, other techniques that are able of detecting gas bubble streams in the water columnVertically continuous mass of water from the surface to the bottom sediments of a water body, such as hydroacoustic techniques, may be employed for large area surveys, as outlined in Section 2.8.1.
For onshore sites there are several technologies to choose from as described in Section 2.3.4. Both direct methods for leakage(in CO2 storage) The escape of injected fluid from the storage formation to the atmosphere or water column detection and indirect methods where, e.g. ecosystems, groundwater or isotopic signatures are monitored can give reliable indications of irregularities. The main challenge for measuring absence of leakage(in CO2 storage) The escape of injected fluid from the storage formation to the atmosphere or water column with both direct and indirect detection methods consists of temporal and spatial coverage. At present there is no technology that can detect CO2Carbon dioxide releases at the surface ‑ diffuse or localised, strong or weak ‑ in an area corresponding to the size of the underground pressure plume. Therefore, a range of technologies are likely to be required to increase the probability of leakage(in CO2 storage) The escape of injected fluid from the storage formation to the atmosphere or water column detection. Given a storage(CO2) A process for retaining captured CO2, so that it does not reach the atmosphere complex size of more than a few hundreds of km2 in comparison to potential surface leakage(in CO2 storage) The escape of injected fluid from the storage formation to the atmosphere or water column diameter of less than 1 m2, the chances of missing a leak are high. To ensure leakage(in CO2 storage) The escape of injected fluid from the storage formation to the atmosphere or water column detection a comprehensive monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions strategy should be implemented comprising techniques with different spatial and temporal coverage and resolution.
Definition of an adequate spatial and temporal coverage based on identified risks is the best strategy to employ. A plan for intensified monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions in the event of irregularities is an important part of a good monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions strategy. For this, the sensitivity and reliability of different techniques to quantify a potential leakage(in CO2 storage) The escape of injected fluid from the storage formation to the atmosphere or water column needs to be considered. An overview of the capabilities of currently employed monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions techniques for quantifying leaking CO2Carbon dioxide is given in IEAGHG, 2012.
Fig. 4-2 gives an overview of surface, near-surface and subsurface monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions methods used in the large-scale CO2Carbon dioxide injectionThe process of using pressure to force fluids down wells demo projects In Salah (onshore), Sleipner (offshore) and Snøhvit (offshore) (after Wildenborg et al., 20092009 - Ton Wildenborg, Michelle Bentham, Andy Chadwick, Petra David, Jean-Pierre Deflandree, Menno Dillen, Heleen Groenenberg, Karen Kirk, Yann Le GalloLarge-scale CO2 injection demos for the development of monitoring and verification technology and guidelines (CO2ReMoVe)see more).
 Fig. 4-2: monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions techniques deployed at large injectionThe process of using pressure to force fluids down wells sites (adapted from Wildenborg et al., 20092009 - Ton Wildenborg, Michelle Bentham, Andy Chadwick, Petra David, Jean-Pierre Deflandree, Menno Dillen, Heleen Groenenberg, Karen Kirk, Yann Le GalloLarge-scale CO2 injection demos for the development of monitoring and verification technology and guidelines (CO2ReMoVe)see more). Selected techniques are indicated by yellow boxes. |
Quantifying CO2Carbon dioxide in the plume
Strategies for monitoringMeasurement and surveillance activities necessary for ensuring safe and reliable operation of a CGS project (storage integrity), and for estimating emission reductions and quantifying CO2Carbon dioxide in the subsurface have been successfully applied in several projects. Repeated 3D seismic surveys with an interval of several years in the onshore Weyburn oil field and the offshore Sleipner CO2Carbon dioxide storage(CO2) A process for retaining captured CO2, so that it does not reach the atmosphere site have shown that deep seismic methods can be used to quantify CO2Carbon dioxide with sufficient accuracy. However, the success rate depends on the target depth, reservoirA subsurface body of rock with sufficient porosity and permeability to store and transmit fluids quality, caprockRock of very low permeability that acts as an upper seal to prevent fluid flow out of a reservoir and overburdenRocks and sediments above any particular stratum. The optimal target depth with current technologies is 500 - 3000 m according to the Guidance Document 2 (2011).